Difference between Machine Language, Assembly Language and High Level Language

Difference between Machine, Assembly and High level language

Below is the table of differences between Machine language, Assembly language and High level language

Machine Language

Assembly Language

High-Level Language

Machine language is a First Generation language.

Assembly language is a Second Generation language.

High-Level language is a Third Generation language.

Data and instruction are represented using binary digits (0’s and 1’s).

Data and instruction are represented using mnemonics and operands.

In High-Level programming language, a program is made up of language specific syntactic elements.

It is very difficult for human beings to understand machine language.

It is easy for human being to understand assembly language as compare to machine language.

It is easy to read and understand high level language.

Directly understood by the computer. No need of translator.

Requires Assembler to convert Assembly language to Machine language.

Requires Compiler or Interpreter to convert High-level language to Machine Language.

It has zero abstraction level from the hardware

It has less abstraction level from the hardware

It has higher abstraction level from the hardware

Machine language is hardware or machine dependent.

Assembly language is hardware or machine dependent i.e., Not portable.

High level language is machine independent i.e., portable.

Machine languages are prone to errors and very difficult to find and rectify it.

Assembly languages are less prone to errors compared to machine language.

We can easily detect and rectify errors in high level programs.

Machine code executes faster and takes very less time for execution

Assembly code executes slower compared to machine language

Program written in high level language executes slower compared to machine languages.

Example: The value 50 is represented as 00110010 in computer system

Example: The mnemonics ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, INC, DEC along with operand are used to perform arithmetic operations.

Examples of high-level languages are C, C++, JAVA, FORTAN, COBOL, etc.

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