Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi is a Single Board Computer popularly used for applications like Internet Of Things (IOT), Robotics and for other real time Image / Video processing. It is a low cost, credit card sized computer capable of performing everything you'd expect a Personal Computer to do.
The Raspberry Pi runs on Linux OS and comes with several models and iterations, each with differences that will affect the performance, features and the accessories you can use with the board. The official Programming language of the Raspberry Pi is PYTHON which comes preinstalled on Raspbian.
The following commands can be used to retrieve hardware and software information of the Raspberry Pi.
Raspberry Pi Model Information
Run the following command from the command line to retrieve your Pi model.
Option 1 :
Version of Python
Run the following command from the command line to retrieve current Python version.
Version of Debian
Run the following command from the command line to retrieve current Debian Version.